A Sellsword’s Valor in audio is here!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you all had a good weekend and a good fourth!  My family and I spent entirely too much money on fireworks and as always I have nothing to show for it but a singed thumb.  Still, it was a great time, and Gabriel loved it...until he didn't.  Needless to say, the last few fireworks were shot off pretty quickly.

This is Gabriel plotting his next move on the way to fireworks at his grandma's.  Here he can be seen gathering his strength, preparing for the full-blown, glass-shattering tantrum to come.

Anyway, that's your regular Peppers family update.  I'm reaching out to let you know that A Sellsword's Valor launched today in audio format and is available to pick up!  You can grab your copy by clicking the link below.  Enjoy!

Give me my book!

As usual, I couldn't be happier with the job Steven Brand did on the book, but give me a shout and let me know what you think!

In other news, The Forging of Dawn, the prequel for The Nightfall Wars will be officially launching on Monday, July 15th, so keep your eyes open!  I really enjoyed this one, and I'm looking forward to hearing all of your thoughts on it.

Anyway, that's it for me.  Gabriel is trying to compose a post of his own, so I had best remove the object of his temptation (a much-needed new laptop) before he decides he wants to see what it would look like in a dozen pieces.

Happy Reading and until next time,

Jacob Peppers

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